Internationaal 2010

Achterberg WP, Gambassi G, Finne-Soveri H, Liperoti R, Noro A, Frijters DHM, Cherubini A, DellÁqquila G, Ribbe MW. Pain in European long-term care facilities: Cross-national study in Finland, Italy and the Netherlands. PAIN 148 (2010), 70-74. Pijnervaring bij patiënten die langdurig in instellingen worden verpleegd. Vergelijking in drie landen.

Gerritsen DL, Steverink N, Frijters DHM, Ooms ME, Ribbe MW. Social well-being and its measurement in the nursing home, the SWON-scale. Journal of Clinical Nursing (2010), 19, 1243-51. Het meten van sociaal welbevinden in verpleeghuizen: de SWON schaal.

Achterberg WP, Gambassi G, Finne-Soveri H, Liperoti R, Noro A, Frijters DHM, Cherubini A, DellÁqquila G, Ribbe MW. Pain in European long-term care facilities: Cross-national study in Finland, Italy and the Netherlands. PAIN 148 (2010), 70-74.

Frijters DHM. Quality of care assurance in long-term care in the Netherlands. Eurohealth 2010: 16, 11-13.

Hout HP v, Jansen AP, Marwijk HW, Pronk M, Frijters DF, Nijpels G. Prevention of adverse health trajectories in a vulnerable elderly population through nurse home visits: a randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN05358495]. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (2010), 65: 7, 734-42.

Van der Roest, HG, Van der Steen, J, Frijters, D. Associations between advance directives, palliative care, and mortality in a terminal care population in nursing homes in the Netherlands. In: IPA. International Psychogeriatric Association: abstracts of the IPA international meeting: V congress of the Sociedad Española de Psicogeriatría, X congress of the Associação Portuguesa de Gerontopsiquiatria; diversity, collaboration, dignity, Santiago de Compostella, 26-29 September 2010. Mateos, R, Engedal, K, Franco, M. (Eds). 2010, p. 210-211.

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